I taught Bible Study today. It was the first time since before Christmas that I taught/preached. I know I'm supposed to, but it's easy to make excuses and keep putting things off. For several weeks now, God has had me reading James. Not just reading, but really focused. Finally, I paid attention and realized I was supposed to be teaching the book of James. I called my hubby right away and told him I needed to commit to teach one day a week. Then I didn't mention it again so it was put off a few more weeks. Finally, last night he asked me to teach this morning. So I did. I Almost cancelled this morning. Said I wasn't ready and Jody offered to teach the class, but I knew I had to obey. So I committed to teach what i had - however short that might be. We talked for an hour on the first 8 verses. There is so much that I feel God saying and we literally tore apart the verses. Talked about the author, the time frame, the recipients, key words, application, etc. I love how the Word comes alive. "count it all joy when you face trials" I think that's in verse 2. Have a positive outlook. It doesn't mean you have to fake happiness when your struggling. It means stay positive. Know God is going to bring you through it. And He's going to bring good out of it. Stay focused. Don't give up, He has never failed you before and He is not about to start. Every trial you go through makes you stronger, better equipped to hang tight. How exciting! And God will put thongs in your path when you least expect them to help you get where you need to be.
I have struggled with my exercise routines since moving to Arizona. Back in Florida I was a member of the YMCA and I would go with a close friend until I was comfortable going on my own. I actually had that membership for a year and had never stepped foot in the building until this friend agreed to go with me! Honestly, the y was mostly seniors and somewhat out of shape people so I didn't mind going. We had looked into it here, but I wasn't impressed with the one we visited, so again, I kept putting it off. 2 weeks ago I found a deal on a 2 month family membership at a local fitness club for $20. So i bought it. (thank you Jesus, thank you Groupon!)I had until October to use it so I convinced myself that between now and then I
would take that step. And if I didn't, at least it was only $20. For the last 2 weeks I have beaten myself up for wasting the money - knowing full well I will never step foot into a "tennis, racquetball, and swim club." especially one in upper class Scottsdale.
I have every excuse. I'm waiting for my husband to join me. I need to get back on track first. Blah, blah, blah. Yesterday I decided to just go sign up. At least then my daughter might get some use out of the 2 months. My hubby went with me and we got our cards. Of course there was not one out of shape person in the whole place. But i noticed it was quiet during the day and I began to think just maybe I cow.d do this. Then I taught today. I taught that trials bring perseverance and steadfastness. I taught to have a positive outlook even in tough times. I taught to stay focused, embrace the hardships, and never give up. And then I went to the gym. By myself. Alone. And I went in. I climbed back on the elliptical for the first time in 8 months. It wasn't as quiet as I expected. The Phoenix fire department works out there, but I did not run away. I persevered. My right foot cramped horribly and both feet felt numb on the bottom but I completed over 3000 strokes in 30 minutes. And then I completed a full circuit of leg exercises. The best part? Half way through my hubby showed up and rode a bike for awhile. It felt good having him there, but I proved that I don't have to wait for him to do what I need to do for me. Today I persevered. I faced my trial. And I grew because of it.
Thanks James.
Love it! Proud of you- you stepped up and the first step in the beginning matters most!
Wish I could have been at the Bible study. You are such a good teacher. Miss you! Love you!! God bless!!!
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